340B Complete® offers clients cost-cutting solutions, a 24/7 client portal, and customized patient care that increases adherence and boosts outcomes. And Basinger’s Pharmacy offers you a variety of validation methods, rather than only having one method everyone has to conform to. Finding the method that’s right for you helps you get the most out of your 340B program.

Your challenges

Your challenges
It's complex
  • HRSA, manufacturer and Medicaid compliance requirements
  • Difficult to get 340B pricing for specialty and limited-distribution drugs
Your challenges
It's costly
  • 340B oversight and auditing increases administrative burden and cost
  • Tight waste prevention controls needed to prevent high-cost medication from going bad
  • Specialty medication is expensive to access, manage and deliver
Constant changes
  • DSH funding will be cut $43 billion between 2018 and 2025.
  • HRSA to increase covered entity audits to increase integrity and oversight.
  • Uncertain regulation changes

How we can help

  • No upfront costs or hidden fees
  • Inventory replenishment model drives efficiency
  • Full prescription capture rate across pharmacy channels (retail, specialty, onsite and infusion) using industry-leading prescription validation method
  • All the information and tools to make better decisions, track savings and maintain program integrity.
  • Easily access financial reports, pull a full audit trail on prescriptions and inventories, including individual patient audits to see when appropriate medication was received.
  • 24/7 client portal
  • Customizable reports to highlight the information you need
  • Point-of-sale data capture, which translates to greater accuracy and compliance

Basinger’s Pharmacy strong market presence and HRSA experience makes it easier to ensure compliance. We provide audit support, inventory management, operational support and end-to-end implementation to more than 1,100 contracted covered entities.


Basinger’s Pharmacy is an end-to-end turnkey solution:


We’ll offer support, a customized toolkit and education to guide you through the process and set expectations around timing and resources. You’ll have everything you need in an easy-to-use, 24/7 client portal.


All patients will have support and access to Walgreens medication and counseling. Uninsured and underinsured patients are not forgotten.


Our 340B Complete® program provides everything you’ll need to be successful in the future, including inventory, eligibility verification, operations and accounting.

This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs
Continuum of care

Improve adherence and outcomes by giving patients access to convenient 340B-enabled community pharmacies.

  • Largest network of specialty care
  • Multichannel touchpoints
  • Medications and counseling for underinsured and uninsured

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